Acceptable Use Policy

Welcome to Freechat!

This Acceptable Use Policy sets out the rules of good conduct to ensure the use of Freechat.

This policy (as part of the Freechat Service Agreement) applies to any Freechat user. By using Freechat, you agree to this policy. If you disagree with this policy, please do not use Freechat.

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to update this policy at any time in accordance with the Service Agreement.

Any defined terms used in this policy have the meanings specified in this policy; if not defined in this policy, they have the same meanings as those defined in the Freechat Service Agreement.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us using the details at the end of this policy.

1. General Provisions

1.1 Introduction

Freechat's goal is to have a continuously positive impact on the lives of its users, thus becoming a platform for the benefit of all users.

We are constantly looking for improvements and innovations to Freechat. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to ensure that users are able to use Freechat consistently and safely and that all users use Freechat in an acceptable manner. this policy sets out rules to ensure good usage behavior when using Freechat.

We have developed this policy with feedback and guidance from users and industry experts and have worked hard to ensure that it covers a wide range of views, opinions, and information. We are always happy to receive feedback from our users and if you need to provide feedback, please contact us using the details at the end of this policy.

1.2 Enforcement and Violations (or Potential Violations) of this Policy

If you (or we reasonably believe that you) have violated this policy, we have the right, in our sole discretion, to take any or all of the following actions:

a. Issue a warning about your conduct.

b. Stop displaying or removing content related to such violations (or reasonably suspected violations).

c. Display a notice to recipients of the relevant content that precautions are required due to suspected or confirmed violations of this policy.

d. Restrict your use of certain account features or ban or terminate your account.

e. If we have reason to believe that you have committed a crime or that such determination is required under applicable law, we will notify and cooperate with the relevant government and/or law enforcement agencies in the relevant jurisdiction.

While we aim to implement this policy consistently across all jurisdictions, in some jurisdictions there may be specific requirements under applicable law that require differential application of portions of this policy. In addition, the laws applicable to Freechat are constantly evolving, so please keep an eye out for changes in laws and regulations applicable to users in other jurisdictions.

If you wish to report other users who may be violating this policy, please see section 12 of this policy for our contact details.

1.3 How do we implement this policy?

We will take reasonable steps to implement this policy and consider whether any content or conduct violates this policy. Please refer to the rest of this policy to learn more about what content or conduct we consider to be a violation of this policy.

We engage with our users and third-party experts from time to time to ensure that this policy continues to reflect our values and applicable laws and regulations while ensuring that using Freechat continues to provide our users with a safe and fun experience.

1.4 How do we detect harmful content?

We develop and deploy automated processes to detect and prevent harmful content that violates this policy, including content that violates any applicable law or regulation, from entering Freechat and being used or retained on Freechat, subject to compliance with obligations under applicable law. We may reject or remove any harmful content available on or distributed through Freechat that violates this policy. If you have any questions about the actions taken under Section 1.4, you may contact us at the following email address:

2. Violence and Crime

We prohibit the presence of violent, criminal, illegal, or any other inappropriate content on Freechat.

In particular, we will endeavor to ensure that any content that (in our opinion) may pose a real risk of harm or direct threat to public safety is removed as soon as practicable.

In addition, any content that violates applicable laws or regulations will be removed as soon as practicable.

Such content or conduct may include the following:

- a. Threats to others, including statements about the intent to commit violence (including murder or the provision of services for hire) or other criminal acts (such as kidnapping).

- b. statements about how to make weapons or explosives

- c. Misinformation that promotes the occurrence of violence or physical harm.

- d. Any organization that incites or engages in/intends to incite any illegal activity.

- e. Incitement or promotion of violent crime, theft, and/or fraud.

- f. Contributing to or collaborating in the commission of potentially criminal activities.

We also prohibit any organization or individual involved in any of the above activities, including any related acts of collaboration or facilitation.

Criminal and/or illegal activities in different jurisdictions may include

- g. terrorist activities, organized feuding, kidnapping, human trafficking, or organized crime activities.

- h. Violent acts - such as murder, harming another person or animal (not including legal activities such as boxing, hunting, or food preparation)

- i. Provision of illegal goods or services - for example, murder-for-hire services, sale of prohibited or illegal products, sale of illegally obtained goods or services (for example, stolen information or goods), distribution of counterfeit currency.

- j. Theft.

- k. Vandalism/damage to property.

- l. Misrepresentation - i.e., making a false report of an emergency.

- m. Fraud/embezzlement or money laundering.

- n. Activities that violate regulations related to consumer protection - for example, false advertising and trading in counterfeit goods/services.

- o. Gambling.

Detailed information about the various illegal activities we prohibit on Freechat is set forth in the remainder of this policy.

3. Personal Safety

We want to ensure that Freechat provides a safe environment for all users.

To this end, we prohibit any content or conduct that relates to, describes, facilitates, or incites participation or solicitation of:

a. Suicide and self-harm – including euthanasia, self-mutilation, drastic weight loss, and dangerous cosmetic surgery;

b. Child nudity and exploitation – including any content in which an adult seduces a minor for sexual activity (and vice versa);

c. Sexual exploitation of adults—for example, adult acts or photographs involving non-consensual sexual activity, paid sexual services, and other types of pornography (whether publicly distributed with or without consent);

d. Bullying and harassment – ​​especially of minors, and includes any contact (such as text messages or phone calls) involving bullying;

e. Human exploitation – for example, trafficking (deprivation of liberty for profit) and smuggling (arranging or facilitating illegal entry into another country), with or without coercion or force, or with or without a sexual element;

f. Other conduct that is reasonably believed (in our opinion) to be likely to cause distress and/or distress.

4. Privacy and Protection of Private/Confidential Information

We are committed to protecting the privacy and private/confidential information of our users and prohibit the sharing or release of any such information without the express consent of the relevant user or other legal basis. Such prohibited acts include:

- a. Identity theft.

- b. The release of personal information without consent (including "doxing" - i.e., the release of identifying information about a data subject with the intent to cause harassment, alarm, or distress).

- c. Release of any information obtained through hacking or other illegal or unethical means.

- d. Unauthorized disclosure of residence/hiding place.

- e. Posting information about minors.

In addition, we always treat and protect the personal information of our users in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

5. Negative Content

We prohibit objectionable negative content and conduct on Freechat. We view negative content and conduct as any content or conduct that we reasonably determine is likely to cause upset and/or distress to the data subject and/or the public. This may include:

- a. Hate speech - for example, direct attacks or other forms of "inhumane" speech or images based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability.

- b. Violent graphic content - including violence against people and animals, whether living or dead.

- c. Nudity and sexual acts.

- d. Sexual solicitation - for example, sharing pornographic content or explicitly offering/requesting sexual services.

- e. Cruel and callous content, or other abusive behavior - e.g., targeting victims of serious physical or emotional harm, demanding someone's death, revenge pornography, or false statements (e.g., false statements about negative personality/competence).

6. Authentic Content and Behavior

We aim to ensure that content and behavior on Freechat remain truthful by working to eliminate false news, disinformation, misinformation, false advertising, fraud, and security breaches on Freechat.

To this end, we prohibit the following content:

- a. Spam content - including sending messages to others or otherwise creating connections or content using fake accounts or stealing someone else's account; and attempts to contact other users under false pretenses (for example, by falsely using login credentials, or spreading false information).

- b. any manipulation or disruption of Freechat - including manipulation or disruption of other users' use of Freechat.

- c. Collaborating, disseminating, spreading, or engaging in false conduct, including conduct related to false news, false information or misinformation, and conduct related to a subject or person.

- d. Use Freechat on behalf of a government entity without full disclosure.

Various jurisdictions have implemented laws in this regard. We will comply with these laws (including government requests and court orders under these laws) upon request. For more information on how we handle government requests, see our Law Enforcement Data Request Guide and Government Request Guide.

7. Abuse of Freechat

7.1 General rules

We prohibit the misuse of Freechat, which includes

- a. misrepresenting one's identity, for example, using a false name or date of birth, uploading a fake photo of oneself, misleading users or Freechat about the source, or provenance of information about any content.

- b. Creating a false account or creating multiple accounts to abuse Freechat.

- c. continue to create accounts after we have banned them from Freechat.

- d. providing false information to us, including during the registration process.

- e. Sharing your account with other users.

- f. use Freechat to harass other users.

- g. Violate any other registration requirements that we may make from time to time.

7.2 Infringement of our rights and other technical subversions of Freechat

We prohibit any use of Freechat that infringes (or may infringe) our rights or that is technologically subversive to Freechat. Such uses may include

- a. using or exploiting any of our intellectual property (including our trademarks, brand names, logos, any of our other proprietary information, or the layout or design of any page), or otherwise infringing any of our intellectual property (including attempts to reverse engineer any application or software used to access Freechat).

- b. use any automated bots, software, engines, crawlers, scraping tools, data mining tools, or similar tools, or attempt to perform any of the foregoing, in the course of accessing Freechat, collecting or processing any content made available through Freechat, or sending or redirecting any communications through Freechat.

- c. engage in any "framing", "mapping synchronization" or other techniques designed to simulate the appearance or functionality of Freechat.

- d. interfere or attempt to interfere with any user's or any other party's access to Freechat.

- e. knowingly distributing viruses, worms, Trojan horses, corrupted files or other malicious code or items.

- f. probing or testing for vulnerabilities on Freechat, our systems or other users' systems, or otherwise circumventing (or attempting to circumvent) any security feature.

- g. modifying, decompiling, or reverse engineering the Freechat Software, or attempting to do any of the foregoing, except to the extent that applicable laws and regulations do not permit us to prevent the foregoing.

- h. sublicense, rent, lease or sell the Freechat Software.

- i. use the Freechat Software to gain unauthorized access to any system, account or data.

- j. charge others, directly or indirectly, for use of or access to the Freechat Software.

- k. directly or indirectly suggesting that we endorse or approve any product, service or content.

- l. make the Freechat Software available for copying, downloading or use by anyone.

- m. remove, obscure or modify any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices, marks or indications found in or on the Freechat Software.

- n. misrepresenting the source or ownership of the Freechat Software.

- o. copying, reproducing, adapting, modifying, translating, creating derivative works of the Freechat Software, or lending, renting, leasing, demonstrating, sublicensing, making available to the public, broadcasting, disseminating, transmitting, or otherwise using any item in whole or in part, or attempting to do any of the foregoing

- p. Attempt to subvert or interfere with the Freechat Software, including manipulating the legitimate operation of the Freechat Software.

- q. the use of spoofing, exploitations, automated software or any unauthorized third-party software to modify or interfere with the Freechat Software

- r. interfering with or overloading any computer or server used to provide or support the Freechat Software or the Freechat Software used by other users.

- s. develop any plug-ins, external components, compatible or interconnected elements or other technologies that interact with the Freechat Software, unless we expressly permit you to do so through the Freechat Software (in which case your use of this Freechat Software may be subject to additional terms and conditions that we notify you of).

7.3 Prohibited Users

You may not register or use Freechat if:

a. You have been convicted of any child abuse or sexual assault;

b. You are under the age of 13 or your age is considered a minor in your jurisdiction; or

c. We have previously terminated your account and advised you not to use Freechat or any of our other services.

8. Regulated Goods and Services

In different jurisdictions, certain goods and services may be illegal or may be distributed and/or sold only subject to qualifications and restrictions.

We recognize that different jurisdictions may treat different goods and services differently. This needs to be weighed against our purpose of applying this policy fairly and consistently for all international users.

Therefore, in some cases, we may prohibit the sale or distribution of certain items of goods and services altogether. In other cases, we may permit such sales or distribution, subject to certain restrictions (such as age or geographic restrictions) that we post. These restrictions will take into account applicable laws and guidelines and may be updated from time to time at our sole discretion.

These items may include

- a. Drugs, including drugs or medicines that require a license or other legal approval for distribution, and other non-medical or recreational drugs (such as marijuana).

- b. Firearm parts, ammunition, and other violent weapons, including 3D printed items of such items.

- c. The sale or trade of human organs and body parts, including human blood.

- d. Alcohol and tobacco products.

- e. Cosmetic treatments, including weight loss products.

Further restrictions may be set forth in other applicable terms and conditions (and detailed information about such restrictions).

9. How we handle intellectual property, etc.

We value intellectual property rights and are always committed to ensuring that Freechat complies with all applicable intellectual property laws and regulations. We may at any time remove any content that infringes a party's intellectual property and/or other proprietary rights.

Our processing of intellectual property and other content is subject to the following restrictions:

a. Our Service Agreement - regarding the general use and dissemination of content on Freechat.

b. Our Copyright Policy - on how you can object to content that infringes your copyright on Freechat and remove such infringing content.

c. Our Privacy Policy - about how we treat your personal information that we collect, use and/or store.

d. Our Law Enforcement Data Request Guidelines and Government Request Guidelines – see Section 10.

In addition, we will comply with the following requirements (in accordance with applicable law and relevant Freechat policies):

e. The user's request to delete his own account, including the parent's request to delete the account of a minor;

f. Requests by certified immediate family members or executors to delete a deceased user account;

g. Requests by an authorized representative to delete an incapacitated user account;

h. Requests to remove material related to minors in certain circumstances.

10. Requirements of Government Departments

10.1 We will receive various requests from government departments regarding Freechat. If such a request meets the following conditions:

a. made by law enforcement and subject to legal process (such as court injunctions, court orders, subpoenas, and police warrants), we will process such requests in accordance with the Law Enforcement Data Request Guidelines; and

b. Made in any way by any government entity other than those specified in subsection (a), we will process such requests in accordance with our Government Requests Policy.

11.1 We prohibit the posting of political propaganda on Freechat involving:

a. A person or entity pays to display such political propaganda (including any related advertisements) on Freechat; or

· b. Relevant political propaganda content does not comply with any applicable laws and regulations.

11.2 "Political propaganda" means any propaganda relating to:

a. Election of a candidate, political party, or any elected or appointed government official (“election” includes the result of an election, a referendum, or a political vote); or

· b. Laws, regulations, or judicial results, including changes in any such matters.

Additionally, we do not accept political propaganda from or paid for by-election candidates, political parties, or any elected or appointed government official.

11.3 Political propaganda content may include the following:

a. Obtaining votes for elections.

· b. Appeal for financial support for political purposes.

· c. Requests to change laws, regulations, or judicial outcomes.

· d. The subject matter of any political propaganda content for or against.

11.4 We recognize that different jurisdictions may have different laws governing the content of political propaganda. We will comply with such laws upon request, including maintaining information about political advertising and disclosing such information to relevant regulatory authorities. In addition, government agencies may require the removal of political propaganda in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and our Government Requirements Policy.

11.5 We will continue to review this area and will consider implementing country-specific or other restrictions or qualifications from time to time. We will notify users when such restrictions or qualifications are implemented.

12. How to contact us

Please contact us at to report any violation (or potential violation) of this policy, or to raise any other questions you have about this policy.

Addendum for Users Subject to Korean Jurisdiction

If you are a Freechat user subject to Korean jurisdiction, the following additional terms: (i) are incorporated into this Policy; (ii) apply to your use of Freechat; and (iii) in the event of any inconsistency with the main terms of this Policy, to Additional terms shall prevail.

User-uploaded posts containing illegal video content may result in criminal consequences under applicable Korean law.

If a user-uploaded post contains illegal video content and there are criminal consequences under applicable Korean law, we may block the display of the post or delete the post or refuse to post it in accordance with Section 22-5 (1) of the Korean Telecommunications Business Act post.

Last updated