Community Policy

Community Rule

Short version of the Rule

We've been working hard to create an authentic and safe Freechat platform where people can be inspired and speak freely. Please join us in building this community. Please post only your own photos and videos and always obey the law. Please respect other members of the Freechat community and never post spam or nudity.

Long version of the Rule

Freechat is a diverse community, with users of all ages, cultures, and beliefs. We've spent a lot of time trying to think of different perspectives on how to create an environment that is safe and open for all users.

We have also created a community rule that we hope all users will work together to create and protect this wonderful virtual community. By using Freechat, you agree to the Community Rules and the Service Agreement. We will work hard to enforce these rules and expect all users to act in accordance with them. Exceeding the boundaries of the rules may result in deletion of content, account banning, or other disciplinary action.

In some cases, we may allow newsworthy and public interest content to be posted to alert the public, even if the content may violate our community rules in some way. Of course, before making such a decision, we will weigh the public interest value of the content against the risk of harm, using international human rights regulations as a basis for our judgment.

Please only share photos and videos that you have taken or have permission to share.

As always, the content you post on Freechat is yours to keep. Please post original content, not content you have copied or collected from the Internet, as you may not have the right to share it. Learn more about copyright.

Please post photos and videos that are appropriate for sharing with a diverse group of people.

We understand that users may sometimes want to share nude images for artistic or creative purposes, but we filter out such content for a variety of reasons. Such images include photos, videos and some digitally created content that depict close-ups of sexual intercourse, genitalia, and fully nude buttocks, as well as photos of partially nude female nipples, except for those depicting breastfeeding, parenting moments during and after childbirth, health-related (e.g., post-mastectomy images, breast cancer awareness, or sex reassignment surgery) or protest marches. Posting photos of paintings and statues depicting nude people is also permitted.

Many adults like to share photos or videos of their children. For safety reasons, we may sometimes remove fully or semi-nude images of children. Despite your best intentions, such content may be used by others for other unforeseen purposes. You can visit the Child Protection for more information.

Engage in meaningful and genuine interactions.

To work together to create a community free of spam, please do not collect artificial likes, followers or shares; do not post duplicate comments or content; and do not contact users frequently for commercial purposes without their consent. Do not offer money or valuable giveaways in exchange for likes, follows, comments or other interactions. Do not post content that involves, promotes, encourages, enables, or acknowledges: offering, seeking, or trading false and misleading user reviews or ratings.

You are not required to use your real name on Freechat, but we ask that Freechat users provide us with accurate and up-to-date information. Please do not impersonate others or create accounts for purposes that violate our rules or mislead others.

Please obey the law.

Supporting or glorifying terrorism, organized crime or hate groups on Freechat is prohibited. The offering of sexual services, the buying and selling of firearms, alcohol and tobacco products between private individuals, and the buying and selling of non-medical or prescription drugs are prohibited. We also remove content that attempts to trade, cooperate with trade, donate, give or solicit non-medical drugs, and content that admits to using non-medical drugs (except in connection with recovery from a medical condition) or coordinates or promotes the use of non-medical drugs. freechat also prohibits the sale of live animals between individuals, although some stores may conduct such businesses. No user may cooperate in the poaching or sale of endangered species or their body parts.

When buying or selling other controlled products, please be sure to comply with the relevant laws. Any account that promotes online gaming, online real-money skill-based games, or online lotteries must obtain our prior written permission before using various Freechat products.

We do not tolerate the sharing of pornographic content involving minors or threats to post private photos of others on our platform.

Please respect the other members of the Freechat community.

We are committed to creating a positive and diverse community. We will remove content that contains substantial threats or hate speech, content that degrades or humiliates specific individuals, personal messages that are intended to blackmail or harass others, and repeatedly disturbing messages. We generally allow rhetorical discussion of the professional or behavioral activities of people who appear in the news or have large public audiences.

We will never allow incitement to violence or attacks based on an opponent's race, ethnicity, place of origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, disability, or illness. We do, however, allow hate speech to be shared for the purpose of challenging the speech itself or raising awareness. In this case, please make sure you clearly state your intent.

Posting serious threats that endanger public and personal safety, including threats involving physical harm, as well as threats of theft, malicious destruction of property, or other financial loss, is prohibited. We will carefully review reports of threats and consider all circumstances before deciding whether a threat is valid.

Build a supportive environment together, please don't glorify self-harming behavior.

Freechat cares about all users. People who are facing difficulties (eating disorders, light-heartedness, or other self-harming behaviors, etc.) may gather here to get attention or seek support. We will work to provide guidance on this in the app and add information to the Help Center so that people can get help when they need it.

Encouraging and inciting people to commit self-harm is contrary to the concept of mutual aid, and we will remove such content or disable accounts if reported by users. We may also remove content that publishes victims or survivors of self-harm for offensive or amusing purposes.

Please think twice about posting newsworthy events.

We understand that many users share significant, newsworthy events on Freechat, which may involve gory images. Because the Freechat user base spans a wide range of ages and different users have different cultural backgrounds, we may remove videos that contain images of intense conflict or bloody violence to ensure that content on Freechat is appropriate for all users.

We understand that people often share this type of content to express condemnation, raise awareness, or promote education. If you do share content for these reasons, we recommend that you include a warning note with the photo stating that it contains images of bloody violence. We prohibit the sharing of gory content for the purpose of enjoying abuse and abuse or glorifying violence.

Please work with us to make this community a better place:

- Every user is an important part of the Freechat community. If you see content that you think may not be in line with the Community Rules, please let us know via the built-in reporting option. Our global team will review these reports and remove any content that violates the Community Rule as soon as possible. You can also file a report even if you don't have a Freechat account. When reporting, please provide as much information as possible, such as a link, account number and description of the content, to help us find and review the content quickly. If an image or associated caption violates our rules, we may remove the entire post.

- Some content that you do not like may not violate the Community Code. If this happens, you can stop following or block the user who posted it. If you don't like a comment below your post, you can delete it.

- Many disputes and misunderstandings can be resolved directly between members of the community. If another user posts a photo or video that belongs to you, you can try leaving a comment on the post asking them to remove it. If this does not work, file a copyright report. If you believe someone has violated your trademark rights, please file a trademark infringement report. Please do not verbally attack infringers by posting screenshots and drawing public attention to them, as such a move may be classified as harassment.

- We may cooperate with law enforcement, such as when we believe there is a risk of physical harm or a public safety threat in the community.

Last updated