
Freechat groups are small communities established by users, supporting up to 200,000 people to chat in a group simultaneously. This feature is convenient for users to gather like-minded friends, customers, and others with similar interests and hobbies.

Group Apps

Group apps are applications provided by Freechat or third-party developers. They facilitate the usage of various group applications to meet all kinds of user needs, such as entertainment apps, blockchain apps, cross-chain bridge apps, and various Dapp services. At the same time, these applications will bring substantial income to the group owner when used by group members.

Group Activities

Group activities are a way for group administrators to organize events. Any form of activity can be supported, such as offline gatherings, airdrops, gift-giving, surveys, and a series of other activities.

Group Blacklist

The group blacklist is designed to help group administrators clear out advertising users and spam. Administrators can kick users out of the group and add them to the blacklist.

Strategies for Operating a Group

Expand Your Community

Put your group information (QR codes, group links, etc.) on platforms like Twitter and Facebook to let your friends and like-minded individuals join your group.

Actively Organize Group Activities

Proactively organize various activities, use the group activity feature, and organize airdrops, offline gatherings, etc., to liven up your group's atmosphere.

Create Excellent Content

Use the Freechat square function to create excellent content and attract Freechat users to join your group.

Earn Profits Through Group Apps and Activities

Earn substantial profits through establishing rich group apps and activities, such as inviting project parties to advertise in your group, inviting users to use your group apps to earn profits, etc.

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